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*Project Name (required)
*Applicant / Lead Agency (required)
Other Involved Agencies
*Contact Person and Title (required)
Your Email (required)
Project Priority – If submitting more than one project proposal, designate the priority of each proposal relative to the other(s) (highest priority = 1)
Provide a brief summary statement that describes the project, including, including its location, objective(s), and what will be achieved if the project is selected.
Describe the demographics and physical setting of the study area. Note any specific features (downtown, low income, high incidence of motor vehicle accidents, etc.). Identify any special needs or special use population (disabled, high pedestrian use, high transit use, etc.) or areas deserving special attention.
Describe (a) the issues and trends that give rise to the need for this project; (b) efforts to date to address them; (c) official action taken by the agency with regard to the issues; and (d) why it is important to advance the project at time.
Describe how the project will facilitate the effective and efficient use of the public resources to (a) improve the safety of transportation services and / or facilities; and (b) enhance community character and quality of life.
State how the project increases support for pedestrians, bicyclists, transit.
Explain how the project links to other relevant plans, studies, or initiatives, such as zoning, capital improvement program, intermunicipal agreements, etc.
Describe the applicant(s) commitment to officially adopting a land use-transportation plan or study, component of a plan, and / or regulations that result from the project.
Name the contributors of any additional sources of funding or in-kind contributions and specify whether their support is confirmed or anticipated.
Identify the level of support from elected officials and municipal decision makers.